Problem: Tohono Chul is a 49-acre botanical gardens. The mission of Tohono Chul is to enrich people’s lives by connecting them with the wonders of nature, art, and culture in the Sonoran Desert region and inspiring wise stewardship of the natural world. But how can we bring this message to random, passing traffic?

The solution: a re-fresh for the historic 'Monument Wall' corner, which is the singular landmark indication of the garden's location. Additional signage provides an at-a-glance suggestion of how that mission functions in daily operations.
Tohono Chul is located in a high-traffic area frequented by people on their way to work, and tourists on their way to nearby resorts. Installing additional, more permanent signage as part of the Monument Wall sparks curiosity and interest.

The structure consists of two parts; both sections of the wall appear as one from a distance.

Other signage in the Park consists of flat corten steel; the rusted metal surface is visually consistent with the current aesthetic.

To ensure longevity, the corten steel is treated with UV resistant clearn-coating.

It's always important for my client to see an actual physical example of the material.

Each panel is assembled to preserve the integrity of the stone wall (no structures, support, or drilling can touch the original material), and appear from a distance as a continuous band. Each panel features one focal point of the Gardens. The fifth panel is reserved for events that change out.