Celebrate your ancestors with food, music and chocolate! The Chiles, Chocolate & Day of the Dead Festival is a bi-annual event of the Tohono Chul Botanical Gardens in Tucson Arizona where the public is invited to celebrate the fall season food, music, crafts and activities associated with Día de los Muertos. The goal of the branding was to refresh the look of the event by integrating the three main elements of the festival into a singular, culturally appropriate icon that would appeal to the local community. Everyone loves chocolate, but not everyone has been introduced to the what Day of the Dead means to Southern Arizona!

Initial experimentation with all three elements:

Selected concept (text treatment):

Final approved branding. The stylized La Posada figure, along with literal representations of chiles and chocolate, along with a candied palette help to establish a look that sets it apart from other festivals in Tucson.

Full palette and branding treatment. Día de los Muertos is a very colorful Mexican celebration. To ensure that the branding remains cohesive, the text treatment is 2-color, but is combined with the marigolds in the background texture to align with the fall season, and introduce three more colors into the palette, and prevent visual clutter.

As with any of our events, physical collateral included posters, paper tickets, newsletter, stickers, signage around the gardens, and banners for the entrance to the Gardens.

Website screenshots and social media campaign: