A cozy corner of the botanical gardens gift shop at Tohono Chul needed a slight facelift to generate awareness of the availability of cold drinks and small snacks for visitors. The neon sign already existed, but additional branding would be a great way to let guests know that they could find some refreshment.

All projects start with a creative brief to outline the project parameters. We had created some preliminary food labels previously; new ones would be required to match the new branding.

The new palette for the mini snack bodega:

The approved branding for the mini store replicated the neon sign.

Some internal coupons for staff and visitors as a preliminary testing ground:

New food labels provided a bit of extra space for writing in sandwich descriptions:

External signage on the property directs visitors to the location of the mini Desert Bodega:

Small details for improvement included a larger, more attractive selection of items, paint refresh, cleaned floors, matching neon color for the branding, and patterned wallpaper backdrop (seen here behind the mini fridges).